Monday, February 5, 2007


Hundreds of small, white slips
some faded, some new
document all the wrong details of my life.

I've shopped at the worst stores -
the ones that pay pennies
to sell all the plastic things.
Each time I went in the automatic doors
for a bargain
my dear values stayed outside
breathing quietly on the glass,

It's easy to ask
"What are the choices?"
and harder to make the right ones.

Big Oil lurks in my lip balm
and Chinese factory workers
hum at me through the reeds
in the basket on the basement steps.
Evil came in disguise
as all my favorite things
and I bought it,
so cheaply I almost thought
I was the one with the upper hand.


Joe said...

Hey, what's not to love about a poem titled "Taxes"? Especially if one is an accountant. I like the subtle approach. If you check out the Air Blog or the Land Blog, you'll find that I favor a less subtle approach to encouraging people to think about the impact of their choices.

Doe tuned me into your blog. Well done, and welcome to the Wonderful World of Blogging. I think you'll appreciate the ready outlet for your writing, even if you don't get around to it as much as you might like (as is the case with me).

Check out the pic of Joe Pez.

Kate Faragher Houghton said...

Joe, thanks for checking out my blog! I just read your own recent post about family-friendly workplaces - yeah! I am one of the few people I know who is able to bring my baby to work with me - one of the up sides of working with feminists.

Matthew and I have watched a series of documentaries in the past month - "An Inconvenient Truth," "Wal*Mart: The High Cost of Low Price," "Farenheit 9/11," and have just one left to go, about Enron. I'm starting to believe in evil again. There sure is a lot of good work to do out there.

Make it a great one,

Joe said...

We've seen the all except the Wal Mart one. (I assume the Enron one is "The Smartest Guys in the Room.")

Next on the list of social disgust is "The Death of the Electric Car."

Kate Faragher Houghton said...

Joe, Yes, that's the Enron documentary. And I forgot to list that we also watched "Who Killed the Electric Car." This one is SURE to get your bile rising. It's shocking, and yet not surprising.